The Life & Times of Steve Hannagan
Learn about Steve Hannagan, ‘The man who refined product placement to an art and who worked closely with many of the leading movie studios, Broadway shows, and radio programs of his era.’ He was also one of the founders of modern public relations, the blog will describe his many publicity campaigns and his contributions to marketing and publicity campaigns.
Steve Hannagan: Prince of Press Agents is now available at Amazon!

Steve Hannagan at the founding of the Quiet Birdmen
Steve Hannagan at the founding of the Quiet Birdmen
Steve Hannagan found himself at an early meeting of the Quiet Birdmen, a club of twenty aviators many of them who had flown in WWI. The group met at Marta, an Italian restaurant located at…

Hannagan & Standard Oil
Did Steve Hannagan Help Standard Oil Oppose
Mexico’s Expropriation of Foreign Oil Companies?
The Blog author has received a question: “Could we confirm if Steve Hannagan was in charge of a campaign on behalf of the Standard Oil Corporation…

Toni Corcoran Interview
Interview with Mrs. Toni Breihan:
A Favorite Secretary of Steve Hannagan
From New York model and secretary, to WWII war bride, to 1950’s St. Louis homemaker, to supportive parent and volunteer, to a professional St. Louis tour guide and…

Random Notes – Special Issue #1
Notes – Special Issue #1
Notes: Here are several items that do not appear in
the book but illustrate who Steve Hannagan was.
Event of the 1939 Baseball Centennial
On June 12, 1939, Steve Hannagan…

Steve Hannagan’s Health Regimen
of Steve Hannagan
Hannagan’s face
was distinctively Irish – ruddy glow, moon shaped, and deeply
tanned during the winter season in Miami Beach and by regular
application of a sun lamp. His hair was parted on the left side…

Steve Hannagan and the Stork Club
Stork Club at 3 East 53rd
just east of Fifth
the haute café of entertainers, chief executives, gossip columnists,
sports figures, and respected publicists like Steve Hannagan. If you
were unknown and…