The Life & Times of Steve Hannagan
Learn about Steve Hannagan, ‘The man who refined product placement to an art and who worked closely with many of the leading movie studios, Broadway shows, and radio programs of his era.’ He was also one of the founders of modern public relations, the blog will describe his many publicity campaigns and his contributions to marketing and publicity campaigns.
Steve Hannagan: Prince of Press Agents is now available at Amazon!

Steve Hannagan: News Editor Part 1
Steve Hannagan, the Newsboy
Steve Hannagan first ventured into the news business in high school as a newspaper delivery boy. However, when the sun set on his first day, he dropped his papers, and ran home. Before long he returned to selling…

Steve Hannagan's Family Part 2
Steve's Father and Mother
An earlier issue described the neighborhood, where Steve Hannagan was reared. Now, we turn to Hannagan’s parents and the influence they had on his life.
Johanna Hannagan, Aunt Jo to her friends, nieces and nephews,…

Steve Hannagan's Family Part 1
Steve Hannagan’s Birth
Steve Hannagan’s family and his Irish-American neighborhood played a significant role in preparing Steve to become a master publicist.
Steve Hannagan was born on April 4, 1899, on Green Street, one block off the…

Hollywood and the Indianapolis 500
In this issue, Steve brings Hollywood producers and stars to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The Indianapolis 500 race was a magnet for celebrities from New York and Hollywood. Either they wanted to run in the race; or be seen at the race;…

Steve Meets the Master of American Auto Manufacturing
Steve met the man who made American auto manufacturing the wonder of the world at the Indianapolis 500. Steve took advantage of the opportunity that the track offered to meet important personages like Henry Ford, who sponsored cars at the…

Steve Deals with Death and Destruction at the 500
In this issue, Steve deals with death and destruction at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Since the technology in the 1920s and 1930s of the cars and Speedway was primitive, death and severe injuries were real possibilities whenever drivers…